Templum Nigri
(TNS) was initially established in Australia in the
1970’s, deriving it’s name from various occult
references throughout
history such as Alchemy, the sun in Amenta, the
Gnostic Pleroma of
fullness/emptiness, and the experience of the Void as
dimly recollected
by the human nervous system.
TNS comprised
Magickians from Australia, New Zealand, North America,
Great Britain and mainland Continental Europe. Drawing
from various
traditions, they brought experience and expertise to
the syncretic hub
of TNS from their Magickal as well as their
professional lives. These
included such diverse areas as Thelema, Zos Kia
Cultus, Maatian Magick,
Traditional Witchcraft, North American Native
Shamanism, Taosim,
Tantra, Earth Mysteries, Hermetism, Cabbala,
Ceremonial Magic(k),
Anglo-Saxon and Northern European Shamanism. From
their professional
lives they brought with them expertise in diverse
areas as Organic
Chemistry, Modern Western Medicine, Traditional
Chinese Medicine,
Western Herbalism, Ernergick Medicine (Homeopathy,
Flowers Essences,
etc) Neuro-Science, Ancient History, Palaeontology,
Linguistics, The Arts, Artisans, Writers, and
Their general
and frustrations with the inadequacies of the
various established groups they had been working with
brought them
together. The catalyst was primarily the general
prejudice so prevalent amongst self styled working
Magickians and
From their own
Magickal Work, each had come to the same
conclusion: that a concentrated and condensed form of
Magick lay at the
core of all our various paths. In stripping it all
down to essentials
they could then rebuild, utilising the common factors
which have been
consistently used by Magickians from the earliest of
times. With this
came a renewed interpretation of these techniques in
light of the
latest fringe technologies and sciences. There is
nothing new under the
(black) sun; only that which has been forgotten.
After much
experimentation, and not a little foolhardy
they formed a working model of Magick in its most
general sense,
placing great emphasis on the practical techniques and
triggers which are found in ALL traditional forms of
Magick. Much
emphasis was placed on the use of sacraments, in both
traditional forms
and modern smart drugs. The ready availabity to modern
medicines, and
most especially anaesthetics (which many of the
members had access to),
allowed them to further expand their repetoir of
techniques and
experiences. All members from this core temple utilise
what they learnt
from their work together in their personal as well as
With the coming
of the
1980s came news on the Magickal front that some
notable Magickians in Britain had congregated under
the aegis of the
Illuminates of Thanateros (IOT). There was some
amusement that the
phenomenom of the IOT had its germ in suburban Sydney
at a time when
Peter Carroll was visiting whilst on his Grand Tour.
In Sydney Carroll
worked with an Entity then known as The Church of
Chaos, though his
Magickal experiments were totally independent of the
work being done at
the same time by the various members that eventually
became the core
initial group that evolved into TNS.
Following their
dialogue with the IOT, the members of TNS were
astonished and quite pleased to find other people had
come to similar
conclusions with regard to Magickal Practice. A core
group of TNS
members agreed to participate in the ongoing work of
the IOT and were
asked to be its representative in the region in
accordance with the
ethos within the IOT at the time, which attempted to
undermine the
pre-existing old Aeon protocols of “Magickal
Orders”, plus the
need to accelerate the realisation of the agenda of
the then IOT.
The reigning
Master of TNS was made 1st degree and Section Head
for Australasia and this was further extended for
administrative and
instructial purposes to incorporate New Zealand,
South-East Asia, North
and South America with much co-operation and
synchronised workings. TNS
was responsible for maintaining enthusiasm within the
ranks of the
American IOT members, which at times floundered due to
being ignored
/snubbed by the British IOT - most especially after
Carroll had
formally resigned from the the established Pact of the
TNS was
responsible for
introducing William S. Burroughs to Chaos
Magick and assisted in the coordination of Burrough’s
initiation into
the Magickal Pact of The IOT.
TNS was the
first to
raise the matter concerning the establishment of
multiple archives of the Pact’s work. The places
proposed were Britain,
Continental Europe, and the USA. TNS contributed to
the IOT archival
TNS also
proposed the
position of Elder to accommodate those members
who had served and contributed much to the IOT but
felt they no longer
could serve actively within the Pact. This came about
as a reaction to
the crisis that loomed over the IOT at the time Pete
Carroll resigned
his position as Head of the Pact. The position of
Elder was also
granted to William S. Burroughs and others.
With the
departure of
Peter Carroll and his wit and foresight, the
initial impetus of the IOT was undermined by the
administrative regimes. This was occasionally put into
check, usually
(and ironically) by the direct or indirect influence
from Carroll
himself working on the sidelines. Carroll never
envisioned that the IOT
would last more than seven years and in hindsight such
does seem to be
the case. But again, like other similar ventures, the
Phoenix does rise
from the ashes. And again referring to a quote much
liked by Carroll
from Heraclitus “ You cannot step into the same river
At about the
year 1995
it was felt that with Pete Carroll’s departure,
along with a number of futile changes that were being
deployed and
incorporated into the Pact, the IOT had ceased to
function effectively
as a Magickal entity. It had strayed so far from the
original ethos of
practical and explorative Magick as to become
redundant from a Magickal
perspective. Ironically when the original TNS temple
decided that the
IOT had become too corrupted and left the Pact, the
then reigning
Temple Master and Section Head was urged to take Elder
status, though
the offer was declined as it was not felt to be
It’s legacy
evident by the utilisation of its initial impetus
by other groups working Chaos Magick but remaining
unaffiliated with
the IOT. The seasoned Magickal reader will also have
noticed by now how
much of the then neo-logism championed by the original
Chaos Magickians
(CM) - Ray Sherwin, Peter Carroll and others - have
found their way
into the most unlikely of magickal and even New Age
writings - a point
most likely lost on those self-same writers.
TNS went on to
concentrate on its Magick unhindered by the
administrative limitations that were attempted to
thwart its progress.
Unbeknownst to TNS at the time of their departure from
the Pact, there
was a global walkout by most existing temples as way
of protest to the
way that TNS had been treated. Many contacted TNS
directly and
affiliated with them in order to avoid the unmagickal
behaviour coming
from London.
Some of the
from TNS had been banked with the various
repositories. Many had not.
Now a selection
of TNS
Temple Papers (TP) has been made available under
the title Between Spaces. It is to be the first
general release from a
greater body of work that has accumulated over the
years whilst being
affiliated with the IOT - plus works predating their
association. More
current works of TNS and their affilates will be
released in the future.